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I tried in cpp it works and passed all testcases...
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ULL; ULL sums[1000010] = {0}; ULL MAX = 1000000000000; ULL N, limit; char *sieve; ULL Multiply(ULL a, ULL b, ULL mod) { a %= mod; b %= mod; if(a <= 0xFFFFFFF && b <= 0xFFFFFFF) return (a * b) % mod; ULL res = 0; __asm__ ( "mulq %2\n" "divq %3" : "=&d" (res), "+%a" (a) : "rm" (b), "rm" (mod) : "cc" ); return res; } ULL Power(ULL n, ULL e, ULL mod) { ULL res = 1; while(e > 0) { if(e & 1) res = Multiply(res, n, mod); n = Multiply(n, n, mod); e >>= 1; } return res; } bool MillerRabin(ULL n) { const unsigned int mask = 0x208A28Ac; vector<int> smallPrimes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17}; if(n < 31) return (mask & (1 << n)) != 0; for(auto p : smallPrimes) { if(n % p == 0) return 0; } if(n < 17 * 19) return 1; const unsigned int STOP = 0; const unsigned int A[] = {377687, STOP}, B[] = {31, 73, STOP}, C[] = {2, 7, 61, STOP}, D[] = {2, 13, 23, 1662803, STOP}, E[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, STOP}, F[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, STOP}, G[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, STOP}, H[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, STOP}, I[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, STOP}, J[] = {2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 978054, 1795265022, STOP}; const unsigned int *test = J; if(n < 5329) test = A; else if(n < 9080191) test = B; else if(n < 4759123141ULL) test = C; else if(n < 1122004669633ULL) test = D; else if(n < 2152302898747ULL) test = E; else if(n < 3474749660383ULL) test = F; else if(n < 341550071728321ULL) test = G; else if(n < 3825123056546413051ULL) test = H; else if(n <= 18446744073709551615ULL) test = I; auto d = n - 1; d >>= 1; unsigned int shift = 0; while((d & 1) == 0) { shift++; d >>= 1; } do { auto x = Power(*test++, d, n); if(x == 1 || x == n - 1) continue; bool possible = false; for(unsigned int r = 0; r < shift; r++) { x = Multiply(x, x, n); if(x == 1) return 0; if(x == n - 1) { possible = true; break; } } if(!possible) return 0; } while(*test != STOP); return 1; } bool IsPrime(ULL n) { if(n < 2) return 0; if(n < 4) return 1; if(n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0) return 0; return (n >= limit * 2) ? MillerRabin(n) : sieve[n/2]; } void Sieve(ULL n) { limit = n / 2 + 1; sieve = new char[limit]; fill(sieve, sieve + limit, 1); sieve[0] = 0; for(ULL p = 1; p * p * 2 < limit; p++) { if(sieve[p]) { for(ULL i = p * 3 + 1; i < limit; i += (p * 2 + 1)) { sieve[i] = 0; } } } } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); int t; cin >> t; vector<long long> queries(t); long long mx = 0; for(int i=0; i<t; i++) { cin >> queries[i]; mx = max(mx, queries[i]); } Sieve(10000000); sums[1] = 2; ULL p = 3; int size = 1; int maxLength = 0; int min_r[33] = {0}; vector<pair<ULL, ULL>> results; for(ULL p = 3; p <= mx; p += 2) { if(sums[size] + p > mx) break; if(IsPrime(p)) { size++; sums[size] = sums[size - 1] + p; for(int i = 0; i <= 32 && i + maxLength + 1 <= size; i++) { for(int j = max(i + maxLength + 1, min_r[i]); j <= size; j++) { ULL sum = sums[j] - sums[i]; if(sum > mx) break; min_r[i] = j + 1; if(IsPrime(sum)) { results.push_back({sum, (j - i)}); maxLength = j - i; goto next; } } } } next: continue; } for(auto n : queries) { pair<ULL, ULL> prev; for(auto it : results) { if(it.first > n) break; prev = it; } cout << prev.first << " " << prev.second << "\n"; } return 0; }
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Project Euler #50: Consecutive prime sum
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I tried in cpp it works and passed all testcases...