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Here is my C++ solution and it's simple approach.**
#include<string>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>// convert a string to a numberunsignedlonglongstr2num(conststd::string&x){// process string from left to rightunsignedlonglongresult=0;for(autoc:x){// shift digitsresult*=10;// add new digit on the right-hand sideresult+=c-'0';// was ASCII}returnresult;}intmain(){// available digitsstd::stringpan="0123456789";// unlike other problems, zero is allowed this time// remove a few digits if test case requires thisunsignedintmaxDigit;std::cin>>maxDigit;pan.erase(maxDigit+1);// all divisorsconstunsignedintprimes[]={2,3,5,7,11,13,17};// resultunsignedlonglongsum=0;// look at all permutationsdo{// let's assume it's a great number ;-)boolok=true;// check each 3-digit substring for divisibilityfor(unsignedinti=0;i+2<maxDigit;i++){// check pan[1..3] against primes[0],// check pan[2..4] against primes[1],// check pan[3..5] against primes[2] ...std::stringcheck=pan.substr(i+1,3);if(str2num(check)%primes[i]!=0){// nope ...ok=false;break;}}// passed all tests, it's great indeed !if(ok)sum+=str2num(pan);}while(std::next_permutation(pan.begin(),pan.end()));std::cout<<sum<<std::endl;return0;1.}
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Project Euler #43: Sub-string divisibility
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Here is my C++ solution and it's simple approach.**