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(Here's another dumb ass, that posts its code). Python3. Note that digits must be odd.
from itertools import product def do_sieve(n=10**6): sieve = [False, True, False, True] * (n//4 + 1) nroot = int((n+1)**.5) for p in range(3, nroot +1, 2): if sieve[p]: for i in range(p*p, n+1, p): sieve[i] = False return sieve n = int(input()) prime = do_sieve(n) s = 2+3+5+7 for l in range(2, len(str(n)) +1): for cand in product('13579', repeat=l): p = int(''.join(cand)) if int(p) >= n: break for _ in range(l): if not prime[p]: break cand = cand[1:] + (cand[0],) p = int(''.join(cand)) else: s += p print(s)
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Project Euler #35: Circular primes
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(Here's another dumb ass, that posts its code).
Python3. Note that digits must be odd.