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python code:
from itertools import combinations, combinations_with_replacement, product def list_adder(strings, number): l = len(strings[0]) + 1 lis = [string[:i] + str(number) + string[i:] for string in strings for i in range(l)] return lis def permuter(lis1, lis2): while lis1: n = lis1.pop() lis2 = list_adder(lis2, n) return set(lis2) def lis_to_str(list1): return ''.join(map(str, list1)) def lis_to_int(list1): return int(''.join(map(str, list1))) def main(): item = input().split() n = int(item[0]) k = int(item[1]) li1 = list(combinations_with_replacement(range(1, 10), r=k)) li2 = list(product(range(10), repeat=n-k)) li2.remove((0,) * (n - k)) answers = set() li3 = [] for i in li1: li4 = [] for j in li2: li4 += [(lis_to_int(j), int(i)) for i in permuter(list(i), [lis_to_str(j)]) if i[0] != '0'] li3.append(li4) for i in li3: for item in combinations(i, r=2): if item[0][0] < item[1][0] and item[0][0] * item[1][1] == item[1][0] * item[0][1]: answers.add((item[0][1], item[1][1])) print(sum(a[0] for a in answers), sum(a[1] for a in answers)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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Project Euler #33: Digit canceling fractions
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