Project Euler #27: Quadratic primes


    Brute forcing in PHP. Parameter a cannot be even because if it is, then n(n+a) will cycle through odd and even numbers so we won't get more than one consequitive prime. If a is odd, then n(n+a) will always be even which means b cannot be even either. So these two facts can speed up the search somewhat.

    $MAX_N = 2000;
    $sieve = array_fill(0, $MAX_N, 1);
    function build_primes() {
        global $sieve, $MAX_N;
        // Use the Eratosphene's sieve
        for ($i = 2; $i < $MAX_N; $i++)
            if ($sieve[$i] != 0)
                for ($j = $i*$i; $j < $MAX_N; $j = $j+$i)
                    $sieve[$j] = 0;
    function max_primes(int $a, int $b) {
        global $sieve, $MAX_N;
        $count = $n = 0;
        while (true) {
            $r = $n*$n + $a*$n + $b;        
            if ($r < 0 || $r > $MAX_N || $sieve[$r] == 0) break;
        return $count;
    function find_ab(int $n) {
        $maxc = $maxa = $maxb = -1;
        for ($a = -$n; $a <= $n; $a++)
            for ($b = -$n; $b <= $n; $b++)
                if ($a % 2 != 0 && $b % 2 != 0) {
                    $c = max_primes($a, $b);
                    if ($c > 0 && $maxc < $c) {
                        $maxc = $c;
                        $maxa = $a;
                        $maxb = $b;
        return sprintf("%d %d", $maxa, $maxb);
    $f = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
    $line = fgets($f);
    echo find_ab((int)$line);