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#python def countofdigits(n): c=1 res=set() while c<n: c=c*10 while True: rem=c %n c=rem*10 if rem==0: return 0 if rem not in res: res.add(rem) else: break return len(res) m=0 num=0 result=['L', '0', 'V', 'E'] for x in range(3, 10000): c=countofdigits(x) if c>m: m=c num=x result.append(num) t=int(input()) for x in range(t): n=int(input()) print(result[n])
I want speak to you
tele deal wanna make as programmer
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Project Euler #26: Reciprocal cycles
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I want speak to you
tele deal wanna make as programmer