Project Euler #19: Counting Sundays

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    There is are a couple of very convenient features of calendars that many solutions here apear unaware of. Here's my solution.

    ProjectEuler+ Problem #19: Counting Sundays
    by Seven
    concept: Every 400 years, the calendar cycle repeats. Therefore, by finding
    all sunday-the-firsts (STFs) in any range of 400 years, one can deduce the
    number of STFs in any other range.
    For convenience, we can calculate the range 2000-1-1 to 2399-12-31 since it
    will allow us to find any year's place in the cycle by simply taking the year
    mod 400. Herafter "relative year" refers to the year mod 400 for starting years
    and start year mod 400 + (end year - start year) for ending years.
    The day of the week for any given gregorian calander date can be calculated
    using a simple formula (see the weekday(y, m, d) function below). Since we only
    care about STFs, we only need to check the first of the month of each month.
    The results are stored in "lookup" as a boolean list, where each value represents
    a month from relative year 0 (e.g. 2000 or 11804211600) through relative year 399
    (e.g. 2799 or 2810399). True indicates the first of the month was
    a Sunday.
    Since the end date is never more than 1000 years, 12 months and 31 days from the
    start year, we can repeat this range by 4 for convenience. Thus, the relative
    start and end dates always fall within the range of the lookup list.
    The convenience function ym(y, m) takes a relative year and month and returns the
    associated index in the lookup list.
    Finally, given a start and end date, we simply find the relative years for those
    dates, and sum the values of the lookup list between the dates (inclusive).
    from math import floor
    def weekday(y, m, d):
        y: year
        m: month (1=March - 12=February of following year)
        d: day
        return: day of week (0=Sunday - 6=Saturday)
        by Alex Lopez-Ortiz
        ## adjest the month number, shifting Jan and Feb back one year
        m -= 2
        if m < 1:
            m += 12
            y -= 1
        ## Split the year into the c=Century and y=two digit year
        c, y = divmod(y, 100)
        return (d + floor(2.6*(m) - .2) - 2 * c + y +y//4 +c//4) % 7
    def ym(y, m):
        y: year
        m: month
        return: index of the year, month in the lookup list
        return 12*y + (m-1)
    def span_count(y0, m0, y1, m1):
        y0: start year
        m0: start month
        y1: end year
        y2: end month
        return: total STFs in the given range
        ## find the distance from y0 to y1
        y1 -= y0
        ## find the relative starting year
        y0 %= 400
        ## find the relative ending year
        y1 += y0
        ## sum the values between the two dates (inclusive)
        return sum(lookup[ym(y0, m0):ym(y1, m1) + 1])
    ## defining the lookup
    global lookup
    lookup = []
    for y in range(400):
        for m in range(1, 13):
            lookup.append(weekday(y, m, 1) == 0)
    ## repeat the lookup so that relative start/end years always fall within
    ## the range of the lookup list
    lookup = lookup*4
    ## parse inputs
    for i in range(int(input())):
        y0, m0, d0 = [int(n) for n in input().split(' ')]
        y1, m1, d1 = [int(n) for n in input().split(' ')]
        ## if the start date is after the first of the month, we can just start on
        ## the first of the following month
        if d0 > 1:
            m0 += 1
            if m0 == 13:
                m0 = 1
                y0 += 1
        ## find the result
        print(span_count(y0, m0, y1, m1))

      Forgive my dyslexic spelling. My IDE doesn't support spellcheck for block quotes. (Or maybe it does but I've never turned on the feature.)