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# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUTmaxsum=[0]defmax_sum(t,l,i,lsum):m,n=i,i+1ifl==len(t)-1:maxsum[0]=max(maxsum[0],lsum+t[l][m],lsum+t[l][n])returnmax_sum(t,l+1,m,lsum+t[l][m])max_sum(t,l+1,n,lsum+t[l][n])for_inrange(int(input())):triangle,lvl,maxsum[0]=[],int(input()),0foriinrange(lvl):triangle.append(list(map(int,input().split())))#print(triangle)iflvl>1:max_sum(triangle,1,0,triangle[0][0])print(max(maxsum[0],triangle[0][0]))
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Project Euler #18: Maximum path sum I
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