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#include <cstdio> My C++ program. It does not pass all test cases due to excessive time but it took 50 points. As far as the algorithm is concerned is right. int main(){ long long n = 0; long long m = 0; FILE* fin = stdin; //fopen("basket.txt", "rt"); fscanf(fin, "%lld %lld", &n, &m); long long height[n+1]; height[0] = 0; long long total_sum[n+1]; total_sum[0] = 0; long long P[n+1]; P[0] = 0; for(long long i = 1; i < n+1; i++){ fscanf(fin, "%lld", &height[i]); total_sum[i] = total_sum[i - 1] + height[i]; } long long k = 100000000; long long subk; long long subk_i; long long i, j; long long l, r, x; bool flag1 = true; bool flag2 = true; long long power; for(long long a = 0; a < m; a++){ fscanf(fin, "%lld %lld %lld\n", &l, &r, &x); flag1 = true; flag2 = true; k = 100000000; power = 0; i = l; j = l; long long max_power; flag2 = true; power = 0; subk = 0; subk_i = -1; while(j <= r && flag2){ //printf("\t%lld\n", j); if(height[j] > k){ i = j+1; j++; power = 0; subk = 0; subk_i = -1; } else{ power += 2*(total_sum[j - 1] - total_sum[i - 1] + (j - i)*height[j]) + 2*height[j]; if(height[j] >= subk){ subk = height[j]; subk_i = j; } if(power >= x){ k = subk; power -= 2*height[i] + 2*(total_sum[j] - total_sum[i] + (j - i)*height[i]); i++; if(subk_i < i){ subk = 0; for(int b = i; b <= j; b++){ if(height[b] > subk){ subk = height[b]; subk_i = b; } } } if(i > j) j=i; else power -= 2*(total_sum[j - 1] - total_sum[i - 1] + (j - i)*height[j]) + 2*height[j]; } else{ j++; } if(j > r && power < x){ flag1 = false; flag2 = false; j--; } } } power -= 2*height[i] + 2*(total_sum[j] - total_sum[i] + (j - i)*height[i]); i++; if(subk_i < i){ subk = 0; for(int b = i; b <= j; b++){ if(height[b] > subk){ subk = height[b]; subk_i = b; } } } while(i <= r){ if(power >= x){ k = subk; } else break; power -= 2*height[i] + 2*(total_sum[j] - total_sum[i] + (j - i)*height[i]); i++; if(subk_i < i){ subk = 0; for(int b = i; b <= j; b++){ if(height[b] > subk){ subk = height[b]; subk_i = b; } } } } if(k == 100000000) k = -1; printf("%lld\n", k); } return 0; }
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Basketball tournament
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