Beautiful Array


    My approach is of complexity O (kn), where k = range (min (array) to max (array)) (inclusive) and n = size of the array. It passed all the test cases.
    REMEMBER: The point of convergence doesn't HAVE to be an element from the array. It can be any number in the range of min to max, so I applied exhaustive search.

    def get_optimal (array, size, pivot, op1, op2):
    inc = dec = cost = 0
    for i in array:
    if (i < pivot):
    inc += (pivot - i);
    elif (i > pivot):
    dec += (i - pivot);

    if (dec > inc):  
        return (float ('inf'));  
    cost += dec * op1;  
    inc -= dec;  
    cost += (inc * op2);  
    return (cost);  

    size, op1, op2 = [int (i) for i in input ().split ()];
    array, optimal = [int (i) for i in input ().split ()], float ('inf');

    for i in range (min (array), max (array) + 1):
    temp = get_optimal (array, size, i, op1, op2);
    optimal = temp if optimal > temp else optimal;
    print (optimal);