• + 1 comment

    Just wanted to add explanation as to why this works.

    We are trying to get the number of overlaps by getting all the numbers of pairs - number of non overlapping pair.

    For the pair to be non-overlapping - it has to satisfy this condition. player_end < shot_start or shot_end < player_start

    Hence this means, given the player_start, we want to check the number of shot_end that are strictly smaller <.

    Hence this means, given the player_end, we want to check the number of start that are strictly larger >.

    def solve(shots, players):
        start = []
        end = []
        for i in range(len(shots)):
        ans = len(shots) * len(players)
        for player_start, player_end in players:
            shots_larger_than_player_end = len(start) - bisect(start, player_end)
            shorts_smaller_than_player_start = bisect_left(end, player_start)
            ans -= shots_larger_than_player_end + shorts_smaller_than_player_start
        return ans

    number of p