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O(m^2 * r)
long twoSubsequences(vector<int> X, int r, int s) { vector<vector<vector<long>>> cache(X.size()+1, vector<vector<long>>(X.size()+1, vector<long>(r+1))); for (int i=0; i <= X.size(); i++) cache[i][0][0] = 1; for (int i=1; i <= X.size(); i++) { for (int L=1; L <= i; L++) { for (int val=1; val <= r; val++) { cache[i][L][val] = (val >= X[i-1]) ? (cache[i-1][L][val] + cache[i-1][L-1][val-X[i-1]]) % 1000000007 : cache[i-1][L][val]; } } } long total = 0; for (int x=1; x < r; x++) { if (2*x == s+r) { for (int L=1; L <= X.size(); L++) total = (total + cache[X.size()][L][x] * cache[X.size()][L][r-x]) % 1000000007; } } return total; }
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Wet Shark and Two Subsequences
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O(m^2 * r)