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//used static variables to track professors and studentents seprately static int count_professor = 0 , count_student = 0; class Person{ protected: string name; int age , cur_id; public: virtual void getdata() = 0; virtual void putdata() = 0; }; class Professor : public Person{ private: int publications; public: void getdata(){ cin>>name; cin>>age; cin>>publications; cur_id = ++(::count_professor); } void putdata(){ cout<<name<<" "<<age<<" "<<publications<<" "<<cur_id<<endl; } }; class Student : public Person{ private: int marks; public: void getdata(){ cin>>name; cin>>age; int temp; marks = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 6;i++){ cin>>temp; marks += temp; } cur_id = ++(::count_student); } void putdata(){ cout<<name<<" "<<age<<" "<<marks<<" "<<cur_id<<endl; } };
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