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class Person{ public: string name; int age; public: Person():name(""), age(0){} Person(string& name, int age):name(name), age(age){} virtual void getdata(){ cin >> name >> age; } virtual void putdata(){ cout << name << " " << age << " "; } }; class Student: public Person{ private: vector<int> arr; static int cur_id; public: Student():Person(), arr(6, 0){} Student(string&name, int age, vector<int>& arr, int cur_id):Person(name, age), arr(arr){} void getdata() { Person::getdata(); for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { cin >> arr[i]; } } void putdata() { Person::putdata(); int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { total += arr[i]; } cout << total << " " << ++cur_id << endl; } }; class Professor: public Person{ private: int publicatios; static int cur_id; public: Professor():Person(), publicatios(0){} Professor(string& name, int age, int publications, int cur_id):Person(name, age), publicatios(publications){} void getdata() { Person::getdata(); cin >> publicatios; } void putdata() { Person::putdata(); cout << publicatios << " " << ++cur_id << endl; } }; int Professor::cur_id = 0; int Student::cur_id = 0;
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