F# solution with comment:

    open System
    let testBST input =
        let rec test input stack root =
            match input,stack with
            //whenever current number is smalller than root return false
            |(h::t),_ when h < root -> false
            //when top of stack is smaller then current number
            //make the top of stack the new root and pop the stack
            |(h::t),(x::s) when x < h -> test input s x 
            //if input is not empty and other states are not matched
            //push current number into stack
            |(h::t),_ -> test t (h::stack) root 
            //if all numbers a processed
            //means input is valid pre-order sequence of BST return true
            |[],_ -> true
            //if anything else happen throw an error
            |_ -> failwith "something goes wrong"
        test input [] -1
    let main argv =
        let num = Console.ReadLine()|>int
        let input = [
            for i in 1..num do
                //no need to know how many nodes in the tree so ignore it
                let temp = Console.ReadLine()
                yield temp.Split(" ")|>List.ofArray|>List.map(fun x -> x|>int)
        for i in input do
            if (testBST i) then printfn "%s" "YES"
            else printfn "%s" "NO"
        0 // return an integer exit code