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int twoRobots(int M, int N, vector<vector<int>> queries) { vector<vector<int>> cache(N, vector<int>(M+1, INT_MAX)); set<int> endStates = {0}; cache[0][0] = abs(queries[0][1] - queries[0][0]); for (int i=1; i < N; i++) { for (int x : endStates) cache[i][x] = cache[i-1][x] + abs(queries[i][0] - queries[i-1][1]) + abs(queries[i][1] - queries[i][0]); int temp = INT_MAX; for (int y : endStates) { if (y != 0) temp = min(temp, cache[i-1][y] + abs(queries[i][0] - y) + abs(queries[i][1] - queries[i][0])); else temp = min(temp, cache[i-1][y] + abs(queries[i][1] - queries[i][0])); } cache[i][queries[i-1][1]] = min(cache[i][queries[i-1][1]], temp); endStates.insert(queries[i-1][1]); } return *min_element(cache[N-1].begin(), cache[N-1].end()); }
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Two Robots
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