Concise C++ version.

    Note: this challenge had the potential to be interesting, but the expected solution actually solves only a very easy subset of the problem domain as stated in the challenge. It would be easy to construct input data that completely defeat most of the submitted answers (including this one). This low quality challenge should probably be removed or updated.

    long turnOffTheLights(int k, vector<int> c) {
        const int len = c.size(), kwid = 1+k*2, adj = len-k-1+kwid;
        int64_t best = INT64_MAX, cc = best;
        for (int beg=0, pos, rem; beg<=k; best=min(best, cc), beg++) {
            if ((rem = (adj-beg) % kwid) && rem <= k) continue;
            for (pos=beg, cc=0; pos<len && cc<best; pos+=kwid) cc += c[pos];
        return best;