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Python3 solution
n = int(input()) num = sorted([(int(x), (i + 1)) for i, x in enumerate(input().split())]) m = n + 1 s = [[0] * (m + 1), [0] * (m + 1), [0] * (m + 1), [0] * (m + 1)] s[0][0] = 1 def Sum(s, n): ret = s[0] while n > 0: ret += s[n] n = n ^ (n & (~n + 1)) return ret def Update(s, n, v): while n <= m: s[n] += v n += n & (~n + 1) for i, (n, id) in enumerate(num): if i and num[i - 1][0] == num[i][0]: continue process = [(n, id)] if i + 1 < len(num) and num[i][0] == num[i + 1][0]: process.append(num[i + 1]) for state in (3, 2, 1): values = [] for n, id in process: values.append(Sum(s[state - 1], id - 1)) if len(values) > 1: values[1] -= values[0] for j, (n, id) in enumerate(process): Update(s[state], id, values[j]) print(Sum(s[3], m - 1))
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Python3 solution