# Creates a nested dictionary indexed by level and
    # radius as coordinates pointing to each node.info
    def tree_Coords(root, d, radius, level):
        if not root:
        if level not in d.keys():
            d[level] = dict()
        d[level].update({radius: root.info})
        tree_Coords(root.left, d, radius-1, level+1)
        tree_Coords(root.right, d, radius+1, level+1)
    def topView(root):
        radius = 0
        level = 0
        if not root:
        d = dict()
        tree_Coords(root, d, radius, level)
        res = dict()
        # Nested loop scans and adds values to res when no value exists for
        # a specific radius. If raidus index already exists in res, then there existed
        # another value with the same radius on a previous level(above).
        for level in d.keys():
            for radius in d[level].keys():
                if radius not in res.keys():
                    res[radius] = d[level][radius]
        for r in sorted(res.keys()):
            print(res[r], end=" ")