void insertCityToMap(std::map<long, vector<long>> &cityMap, int &cityNum1, int &cityNum2){
        std::map<long, vector<long>>::iterator it = cityMap.find(cityNum1);
            if(it == cityMap.end()){ //insert new vector
                cityMap.insert(pair<long, vector<long>>(cityNum1, vector<long>{cityNum2}));
                if(find(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), cityNum2) == it->second.end()) //sanity check incase of duplicate
    //arguments passed by reference
    void cityDfs(std::map<long, vector<long>> &cityMap, long &adj, std::vector<bool> &visited, long &minCost, int &c_road, int &count){
        minCost += c_road;
        visited[adj] = true;
        std::map<long, vector<long>>::iterator it = cityMap.find(adj);
        std::vector<long> connectedCities = it->second;
        for(long long i=0; i<connectedCities.size(); i++){
            if(visited[connectedCities[i]] == false){
                cityDfs(cityMap, connectedCities[i], visited, minCost, c_road, count);    
    long roadsAndLibraries(int n, int c_lib, int c_road, vector<vector<int>> cities) {
        if(c_lib <= c_road){
            return long(c_lib*n);
        std::map<long, vector<long>> cityMap;
        std::vector<bool> visited(n+1, false);
        for(long i=0; i<cities.size(); i++){
            insertCityToMap(cityMap, cities[i][0], cities[i][1]);
            insertCityToMap(cityMap, cities[i][1], cities[i][0]);
        std::map<long, vector<long>>::iterator it;
        long minCost = 0;
        int count = 0; //to track the number of visted cities. This will help when identifying the number of standalone cities.
        //starting with a map node (city), it will build one library and DFS to complete the rest of the sub-map.
        for(it=cityMap.begin(); it != cityMap.end(); it++){
            if(visited[it->first] == false){
                minCost += c_lib; 
                visited[it->first] = true;
                for(long long j=0; j < it->second.size(); j++){
                    if(visited[it->second[j]] == false){
                        cityDfs(cityMap, it->second[j], visited, minCost, c_road, count);   
        return minCost+c_lib*(n-count);
    1. build the map based on the cities info.
    2. iterate the map city by city, check the connected cities, and properly build the library and the roads for a complete sub map.
    3. iterate the rest of the map and complete the algorithm.

    Mine passes 0, 1, 2, 7, 11, 12. The rest test cases with a huge input FAIL with wrong output. Not the time limit exceed. Could anyone provide a hint what I might be missing? Much appreciated! Thanks