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Python 2 Code
P = 10**9+7 N = 100000 for t in xrange(int(raw_input())): n = int(raw_input()) ans = 0 nn = min(n,N) K = 0 for d in xrange(1,nn+1): K = n/d ans += K*(K-1)/2*d ans += (n%d)*K ans %=P if nn<n: dd = nn+1 dn = 0 dnr = 0 rr = 0 for i in xrange(1,N+1): dn = n/(i+1) if dn*(i+1)<n: dn+=1 if dn>n: dn=n+1 if dn-1>=dd: ans += (dn-1+dd)*(dn-dd)/2*i if dn<dd: dn=dd if dn<=n: dnr = n-i*dn if dnr>0: rr = (dnr+i-1)/i ans += (dnr+dnr-(rr-1)*i)*rr/2*i print (ans+n)%P
In last 5 testcases for n>10^5 I am getting timeout problem... Kindly help me...
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int t = sc.nextInt(); for(int i=0; i<t; i++) { long n = sc.nextLong(); long sum = n; for(long j=2; j<=n; j++) { long k = (n/(j-1)*(n+n%(j-1)-(j-1))/2); sum = sum + k; } System.out.println(sum%1000000007); } }
Say for n = 6,
is (1, 3) a valid AP or is it (1,3,5)
which is valid?
should we count both?
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Python 2 Code
In last 5 testcases for n>10^5 I am getting timeout problem... Kindly help me...
Say for n = 6,
is (1, 3) a valid AP or is it (1,3,5)
which is valid?
should we count both?