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Java 15
import*; import java.util.*; class Operation { int type; String value; public Operation(int type, String value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } } public class Solution { private static StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(""); // trace append and delete operations private static Stack<Operation> trace = new Stack<>(); public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; int q = scan.nextInt(); for(int i = 0; i < q; i++) { int operation = scan.nextInt(); switch(operation) { case 1: String newText =; trace.push(new Operation(1, newText)); add(newText); break; case 2: int numToDelete = scan.nextInt(); int textLen = text.length(); trace.push(new Operation(2, text.substring(textLen - numToDelete, textLen))); delete(numToDelete); break; case 3: int indextToPrint = scan.nextInt(); System.out.println(text.charAt(indextToPrint-1)); break; case 4: undo(); break; } } scan.close(); } private static void delete(int numToDelete) { int textLen = text.length(); String tempText = text.substring(0, textLen - numToDelete); text.setLength(0); text.append(tempText); } private static void add(String newText) { text.append(newText); } private static void undo() { if(!trace.isEmpty()) { Operation lastOperation = trace.pop(); if(lastOperation.type == 1) { delete(lastOperation.value.length()); } else { add(lastOperation.value); } } } }
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Java 15