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Short Palindrome

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10 Discussions


    from collections import defaultdict
    def shortPalindrome(s):
        MOD = 10**9 + 7
        total_num = 0  # ABBA
        single_count = defaultdict(int)  # A
        pair_count = defaultdict(int)  # AB
        triplet_count = defaultdict(int)  # ABB
        for char in s:
            total_num = (total_num + triplet_count[char]) % MOD
            for c in single_count:
                triplet_count[c] = (triplet_count[c] + pair_count[(c, char)]) % MOD
            for c in single_count:
                pair_count[(c, char)] = (pair_count[(c, char)] + single_count[c]) % MOD
            single_count[char] += 1
        return total_num

    This task is the last one for me in the Program of the 3-Month Preparation Kit. Good luck to everyone!

    Java O(n)

    public static int shortPalindrome(String s) {
                int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
                int n = s.length();
                long[] singleCount = new long[26];
                long[][] pairCount = new long[26][26];
                long[] tripletCount = new long[26];
                long palindromeCount = 0;
                for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
                    int charIndex = ch - 'a';
                    palindromeCount = (palindromeCount + tripletCount[charIndex]) % MOD;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                        tripletCount[i] = (tripletCount[i] + pairCount[i][charIndex]) % MOD;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
                        pairCount[i][charIndex] = (pairCount[i][charIndex] + singleCount[i]) % MOD;
                    singleCount[charIndex] = (singleCount[charIndex] + 1) % MOD;
                return (int) palindromeCount;
    def shortPalindrome(s):
        upper = 1000000007
        # css1[ord('x') - ord('a')] is the number of subsequences x
        css1 = [0 for _ in range(26)]
        # css2[ord('x') - ord('a')][ord('y') - ord('a')] is the number of ss xy
        css2 = [[0 for _ in range(26)] for _ in range(26)]
        # css3[ord('x') - ord('a')] is the count of all ss xaa, xbb, xcc, ...
        css3 = [0 for _ in range(26)]
        ans = 0
        for c in s:
            k = ord(c) - ord('a')
            ans = (ans + css3[k]) % upper
            for i in range(26):
                css3[i] = (css3[i] + css2[i][k]) % upper
            for j in range(26):
                css2[j][k] = (css2[j][k] + css1[j]) % upper
            css1[k] = (css1[k] + 1) % upper
        return ans % upper


    public static int shortPalindrome(string s)
        var (mod, occ1, occ2, occ3) = (1000000007, new int[26], new int[26, 26], new int[26, 26, 26]);
        return s.Select(c => c - 'a').Aggregate(0, (acc, c) =>
            for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                acc = (acc + occ3[c, i, i]) % mod;
                occ3[i, c, c] = (occ3[i, c, c] + occ2[i, c]) % mod;
                occ2[i, c] = (occ2[i, c] + occ1[i]) % mod;
            return acc;

    Java8, taking codes from Mr. MohitJain

    public static int shortPalindrome(String s) {
        // Write your code here
            int n = s.length();
            final int NUM_OF_CHARs = 26;
            final long MOD = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + 7;
            long res = 0;
            long[] charsCount = new long[NUM_OF_CHARs];
            long[][] pairsCount = new long[NUM_OF_CHARs][NUM_OF_CHARs];
            long[] trippletsCount = new long[NUM_OF_CHARs];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
                char c = s.charAt(i);
                int cIdx = (int) (c - 'a');
        //in the last turn, the pattern was '*' 'c' 'c'
        //this turn's pattern turns into 'c' '*' '*' 
        //another 'c' is needed to complete the palindrome of 4 chars
        //so if current char satisfies, include the count of 'c' '*' '*' 
                res = (res + trippletsCount[cIdx]) % MOD;
                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_OF_CHARs; j++) {
        //below line usage should be to keep tab on '*' 'c' 'c' tripllets
        //it depends on pairsCount which monitors '*''c'
                    trippletsCount[j] = (trippletsCount[j] + pairsCount[j][cIdx]) % MOD;
        //this pairsCount means finding pairs that are '*''c' ('c' as in currently parsing char)
        //this depends on the preceeding '*', not 'c' 
        //therefore it should be delay 1 turn, hence placed before charsCount update
                    pairsCount[j][cIdx] = (pairsCount[j][cIdx] + charsCount[j]) % MOD;   
        //this charsCount is straight forward, 
        //it is to track frequency of appeared CURRENT characters 'c'
            return (int) (res % MOD);