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public static int sherlockAndAnagrams(string s) { int pairsCount = 0; Dictionary<string, List<string>> subs = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); for (int l = 1; l <= s.Length; l++) { for (int i = 0; i <= s.Length - l; i++) { string subStr = s.Substring(i, l); string hc = GetHashCode(subStr); if (!subs.ContainsKey(hc)) subs.Add(hc, new List<string>()); subs[hc].Add(subStr); } } foreach (var kv in subs) { if (kv.Value.Count() > 1) pairsCount += (kv.Value.Count() * (kv.Value.Count()-1))/2; } return pairsCount; } private static string GetHashCode(string subStr) { int[] chars = new int[26]; foreach (char ch in subStr) { chars[(int)(ch - 'a')]++; } var strCodes = chars.Select(c => c.ToString()); return string.Join("", strCodes); }
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Sherlock and Anagrams
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