Highest Value Palindrome

    def highestValuePalindrome(s, n, k):
        s = list(s)
        s = [int(ele) for ele in s]
        modified_idxs = set()
        # create any palindrom
        for left_idx in range(0, n // 2):
            right_idx = n - 1 - left_idx
            if s[left_idx] != s[right_idx]:
                if k >= 1:
                    # change one to greater val
                    max_val = max(s[left_idx], s[right_idx])
                    s[left_idx] = max_val
                    s[right_idx] = max_val
                    k -= 1
                    # not palindrome and can't do any more changes so return -1
                    return "-1"
        # here we know palindrome can be created, now let's max it
        for left_idx in range(0, n // 2):
            if k < 1:
            right_idx = n - 1 - left_idx
            if s[left_idx] == 9 and s[right_idx] == 9:
                # can't do any better
            if left_idx in modified_idxs and k >= 1:
                # already modified, so we need just one change to change two numbers
                s[left_idx] = 9
                s[right_idx] = 9
                k -= 1
            elif k >= 2:
                # not modified yet, we need to changes to change to 9s
                s[left_idx] = 9
                s[right_idx] = 9
                k -= 2
        # handle middle
        if n % 2 == 1 and k >= 1:
            middle_idx = n // 2
            s[middle_idx] = 9
        return "".join([str(ele) for ele in s])