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public class MinHeap { private HashSet<int> _lookup = new HashSet<int>(); private List<int> _heap = new List<int>(); private bool HasParent(int i) => (i - 1) / 2 < _heap.Count(); private int GetParentIndex(int i) => (i - 1) / 2; private int GetParent(int i) => _heap[GetParentIndex(i)]; private bool HasLeftChild(int i) => 2 * i + 1 < _heap.Count(); private int GetLeftChildIndex(int i) => 2 * i + 1; private int GetLeftChild(int i) => _heap[GetLeftChildIndex(i)]; private bool HasRightChild(int i) => 2 * i + 2 < _heap.Count(); private int GetRightChildIndex(int i) => 2 * i + 2; private int GetRightChild(int i) => _heap[GetRightChildIndex(i)]; public void Print() { Delete(); Console.WriteLine(_heap[0]); } public void Add(int num) { _heap.Add(num); _lookup.Add(num); int lindex = _heap.Count() - 1; while (lindex >= 0 && HasParent(lindex) && num < GetParent(lindex)) { // bubbling up... var temp = _heap[lindex]; _heap[lindex] = _heap[GetParentIndex(lindex)]; _heap[GetParentIndex(lindex)] = temp; lindex = GetParentIndex(lindex); } } public void Delete(int num) => _lookup.Remove(num); private void Delete() { while (_heap.Count() > 0 && _lookup.Count() > 0 && !_lookup.Contains(_heap[0])) { int index = 0; _heap[index] = _heap[_heap.Count()-1]; _heap.RemoveAt(_heap.Count()-1); if (index == _heap.Count()-1) { return; } int num = _heap[index]; int temp = 0; while ((HasLeftChild(index) && GetLeftChild(index) < num) || (HasRightChild(index) && GetRightChild(index) < num)) { if (HasLeftChild(index) && num > GetLeftChild(index) && (!HasRightChild(index) || GetLeftChild(index) < GetRightChild(index))) { temp = _heap[GetLeftChildIndex(index)]; _heap[GetLeftChildIndex(index)] = _heap[index]; _heap[index] = temp; index = GetLeftChildIndex(index); } else if (HasRightChild(index) && num > GetRightChild(index) && GetLeftChild(index) > GetRightChild(index)) { temp = _heap[GetRightChildIndex(index)]; _heap[GetRightChildIndex(index)] = _heap[index]; _heap[index] = temp; index = GetRightChildIndex(index); } } } } }
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