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Java, O(log E)
public static int prims(int n, List<List<Integer>> edges, int start) { Map<Integer, List<int[]>> graph = new HashMap<>(); for (List<Integer> edge : edges) { graph.computeIfAbsent(edge.get(0), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new int[]{edge.get(1), edge.get(2)}); graph.computeIfAbsent(edge.get(1), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new int[]{edge.get(0), edge.get(2)}); } PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(a -> a[1])); pq.add(new int[]{start, 0}); boolean[] visited = new boolean[n + 1]; int totalWeight = 0; while (!pq.isEmpty()) { int[] current = pq.poll(); int currentNode = current[0]; int edgeWeight = current[1]; if (visited[currentNode]) { continue; } visited[currentNode] = true; totalWeight += edgeWeight; if (graph.containsKey(currentNode)) { for (int[] neighbor : graph.get(currentNode)) { if (!visited[neighbor[0]]) { pq.add(new int[]{neighbor[0], neighbor[1]}); } } } } return totalWeight; }
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Prim's (MST) : Special Subtree
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Java, O(log E)