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The testcases are broken in this
For test case 2
Correct answer : beeheedjacieefdd Given Answer: ej
class TrieNode: def __init__(self, data, is_word_end): = data self.is_word_end = is_word_end self.children = {} def add_word_to_trie(word, root): if len(word) <= 0: root.is_word_end = True return first_char = word[0] new_root = root.children.get(first_char, TrieNode(first_char, False)) root.children[first_char] = new_root return add_word_to_trie(word[1:], new_root) def has_prefix(word, root): if len(word) == 0: return False if root.is_word_end: return True next_root = root.children[word[0]] return has_prefix(word[1:], next_root) def noPrefix(words): root = TrieNode('*', False) words_dict = {} for i in range(len(words)): add_word_to_trie(words[i], root) words_dict[words[i]] = words_dict.get(words[i], 0) + 1 for i in range(len(words)): if has_prefix(words[i], root) or words_dict[words[i]] > 1: print('BAD SET') print(words[i]) return print('GOOD SET')
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No Prefix Set
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The testcases are broken in this
For test case 2
Correct answer : beeheedjacieefdd Given Answer: ej