Lego Blocks

    def legoBlocks(n, m):
        # Step 1: O(W)       
        ## Four base cases (widths 0-3) for row walls
        row_combinations = [1, 1, 2, 4]
        # Build row combinations up to current wall's width
        while len(row_combinations) <= m: 
        # Compute total combinations 
        # for constructing a wall of height N of varying widths
        total = [pow(c, n) for c in row_combinations]
        # Step 3: O(W^2)
        # Find the number of unstable wall configurations 
        # for a wall of height N of varying widths
        unstable = [0, 0]
        # Divide the wall into left part and right part,
        # and calculate the combination of left part and right part.
        # From width is 2, we start to consider about violations
        for i in range(2, m + 1):
            # i: current total width, j: left width, i - j: right width
            # f: (left part - previous vertical violation)*right part
    				# result = sum of f applied to all 1-i
            f = lambda j: (total[j] - unstable[j]) * total[i - j]
            result = sum(map(f, range(1, i)))
        return (total[m] - unstable[m])