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Kotlin solution. Note that the return type of journeyToMoon needs to be changed to Long to pass test case 11 which otherwise overflows.
fun journeyToMoon(n: Int, astronaut: Array<Array<Int>>): Long { val nodes = (0..<n).map {Node(it)} val visited = mutableSetOf<Node>() val groups = mutableListOf<Set<Node>>() for (link in astronaut) { nodes[link[0]].connections.add(nodes[link[1]]) nodes[link[1]].connections.add(nodes[link[0]]) } for (node in nodes) { if (visited.contains(node)) continue val group = findConnections(node) groups.add(group) visited.addAll(group) } val sizes = {it.size.toLong()} val allPairs = n.toLong()*(n-1)/2 val sameCountryPairs = {it*(it-1)/2} .sum() return allPairs - sameCountryPairs } data class Node(val id: Int) { val connections = mutableSetOf<Node>() } fun findConnections(start: Node): Set<Node> { val visited = mutableSetOf<Node>() val queue = ArrayDeque<Node>() queue.add(start) while (!queue.isEmpty()) { val curr = queue.removeFirst() visited.add(curr) queue.addAll(curr.connections.filter {!visited.contains(it)}) } return visited }
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Journey to the Moon
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Kotlin solution. Note that the return type of journeyToMoon needs to be changed to Long to pass test case 11 which otherwise overflows.