Jack goes to Rapture

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16 Discussions



    Kotlin solution similar to Dijkstra's algorithm with different distance calculation (weights are not cumulative like in the traditional problem)

    fun jackGoesToRapture(N: Int, edges: Array<Array<Int>>): Int? {
        val nodeList = (1..N).map { Node(it) }
        for (edge in edges) {
            val a = edge[0]
            val b = edge[1]
            val cost = edge[2]
            nodeList[a-1].connections[nodeList[b-1]] = cost
            nodeList[b-1].connections[nodeList[a-1]] = cost
        val queue = PriorityQueue<NodeAndCost>(compareBy { it.cost })
        val distances = mutableMapOf<Node, Int>()
        queue.add(NodeAndCost(nodeList[0], 0))
        distances[nodeList[0]] = 0
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            val n0 = queue.remove().node
            val roads = n0.connections
            for (n in roads.keys) {
                val cost = kotlin.math.max(roads[n]!!, distances[n0]!!)
                if (cost < distances[n] ?: Int.MAX_VALUE) {
                    distances[n] = cost
                    queue.add(NodeAndCost(n, cost))
        return distances[nodeList[nodeList.size - 1]]
    data class Node(val name: Int) {
        val connections: MutableMap<Node, Int> = mutableMapOf()
    data class NodeAndCost(val node: Node, var cost: Int)

    Java Dijkstra's Algorithm O((gEdges+gNodes)loggNodes)

    class Edge {
            int to, weight;
            public Edge(int to, int weight) {
                this.to = to;
                this.weight = weight;
         class Node implements Comparable<Node> {
            int id;
            long cost;
            public Node(int id, long cost) {
                this.id = id;
                this.cost = cost;
            public int compareTo(Node other) {
                return Long.compare(this.cost, other.cost);
         class Result {
            public static void getCost(int gNodes, List<Integer> gFrom, List<Integer> gTo, List<Integer> gWeight) {
                List<List<Edge>> graph = new ArrayList<>(gNodes + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i <= gNodes; i++) {
                    graph.add(new ArrayList<>());
                for (int i = 0; i < gFrom.size(); i++) {
                    int from = gFrom.get(i);
                    int to = gTo.get(i);
                    int weight = gWeight.get(i);
                    graph.get(from).add(new Edge(to, weight));
                    graph.get(to).add(new Edge(from, weight));
                long[] dist = new long[gNodes + 1];
                Arrays.fill(dist, Long.MAX_VALUE);
                dist[1] = 0;
                PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
                pq.add(new Node(1, 0));
                while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
                    Node current = pq.poll();
                    int u = current.id;
                    long currentCost = current.cost;
                    if (currentCost > dist[u]) continue;
                    for (Edge edge : graph.get(u)) {
                        int v = edge.to;
                        long newCost = edge.weight;
                        if (currentCost < newCost) {
                            newCost -= currentCost;
                        } else {
                            newCost = 0;
                        if (dist[u] + newCost < dist[v]) {
                            dist[v] = dist[u] + newCost;
                            pq.add(new Node(v, dist[v]));
                long result = dist[gNodes];
                if (result == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
                    System.out.println("NO PATH EXISTS");
                } else {

    I have a question about the test case 5: My solution always times out. It found the answer quickly, but it takes forever to exaust all searches using Dijkstra's algorithm. Here I have printed out the "searching depth for the minimal distance at the remaining searching paths". I have made sure that each path come back does not visit any location twice: 1 for -1 at 1, 2 for -1 at 34, 3 for 3278 at 241, 4 for 2175 at 471, 5 for 2175 at 3596, 6 for 689 at 375, 7 for 498 at 88, 8 for 498 at 126, 9 for 498 at 258, 10 for 498 at 481, 11 for 498 at 862, 12 for 498 at 1643, 13 for 437 at 1028, 14 for 437 at 1271, 15 for 432 at 1805, 16 for 417 at 1878, 17 for 417 at 2708, 18 for 417 at 4004, 19 for 417 at 5949, 20 for 417 at 8714, 21 for 417 at 12577, 22 for 417 at 18384, 23 for 417 at 26735, 24 for 417 at 38618, 25 for 417 at 55602, 26 for 417 at 79633, 27 for 417 at 114289,

    The problem is that I can keep on traveling to all route which are less than 417 forever.

    32 for 417 at 660905


    Prim's Algorithm and heap

    def getCost(g_nodes, g_from, g_to, g_weight):
        # Uses Prim's algorithm to find minimal spanning tree starting from node 1, stop as soon as goal is is put in the tree. At each step record the weight of the longest edge. This weight is necessarily in the path from 1 to goal in the MSP, and will be the answer. If when the tree is done and goal is still not reached, it means no path exists.
        from heapq import heappush, heappop
        # adjacency matrix
        adj = [[] for _ in range(g_nodes + 1)]
        for i in range(len(g_weight)):
            adj[g_from[i]].append((g_weight[i], g_to[i]))
            adj[g_to[i]].append((g_weight[i], g_from[i]))
        # record which node is visited
        visited = [False, True] + [False]*(g_nodes-1)
        # adjacent edges to the tree so far. Use heap to find the one with lowest weight.
        adj_edge = []
        for edge in adj[1]:
            heappush(adj_edge, edge)
        maximum = float('-inf')
        while True:
            # pop the adjacent edge with lowest weight
            new_weight, new_node = heappop(adj_edge)
            while visited[new_node]:
                if len(adj_edge) == 0:
                    print('NO PATH EXISTS')
                new_weight, new_node = heappop(adj_edge)
            visited[new_node] = True
            maximum = max(maximum, new_weight)
            # if the new node just added is the goal, then we're done
            if new_node == g_nodes:
            #update adjacent edges
            for edge in adj[new_node]:
                heappush(adj_edge, edge)
    #use adjacency matrix and heap

    Similar to the leetcode 778 Swin in Rising Water. The core of the question is to minimize the maximum cost (the cost between 2 nodes along the path) from source to destination.