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Java O(2 to the power of 2n)
static private long base; static private int numOfRods; static private int INF; static private int[] fillRods(List<Integer> posts) { int[] res = new int[numOfRods]; int n = posts.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int rod = posts.get(i) - 1; int diskVal = (int) Math.pow(2, i); res[rod] += diskVal; } return res; } public static long findState(int[] rods) { long res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfRods; i++) { res += (long) rods[i] * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - i - 1); } return res; } public static int[] fromStateToRods(long state) { int[] res = new int[numOfRods]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfRods; i++) { res[i] = (int) ((state / Math.pow(base, numOfRods - i - 1)) % base); } return res; } public static int[] findTopDisks(int[] curRods) { int[] res = new int[numOfRods]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfRods; i++) { if (curRods[i] == 0) { res[i] = INF; } else { res[i] = curRods[i] ^ (curRods[i] & (curRods[i] - 1)); } } return res; } public static int hanoi(List<Integer> posts) { int n = posts.size(); numOfRods = 4; base = (long) Math.pow(2, n); INF = (int) Math.pow(2, n); int[] rods = fillRods(posts); long startState = findState(rods); long winState = (base - 1) * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - 1); LinkedList<ArrayList<Long>> queue = new LinkedList<>(); TreeMap<Long, ArrayList<Integer>> checked = new TreeMap<>(); queue.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(startState, 1L, 0L))); checked.put(startState, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 0))); queue.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(winState, 2L, 0L))); checked.put(winState, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, 0))); long state; long stateType; long stateMoves; long toAdd; long toSubtract; long newState; int[] curRods = new int[numOfRods]; int[] topDisks = new int[numOfRods]; ArrayList<Long> queueObject; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { queueObject = queue.pollFirst(); state = queueObject.get(0); stateType = queueObject.get(1); stateMoves = queueObject.get(2); curRods = fromStateToRods(state); topDisks = findTopDisks(curRods); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { if (topDisks[i] == INF && topDisks[j] == INF) { continue; } if (topDisks[j] < topDisks[i]) { toSubtract = (long) topDisks[j] * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - j - 1); toAdd = (long) topDisks[j] * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - i - 1); } else { toSubtract = (long) topDisks[i] * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - i - 1); toAdd = (long) topDisks[i] * (long) Math.pow(base, numOfRods - j - 1); } newState = state - toSubtract + toAdd; queueObject = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(newState, stateType, stateMoves + 1)); if (checked.get(newState) == null) { queue.add(queueObject); checked.put(newState, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList((int) stateType, (int) stateMoves + 1))); } else if (checked.get(newState).get(0) != stateType) { return (int) stateMoves + 1 + checked.get(newState).get(1); } } } } return -1; }
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Gena Playing Hanoi
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Java O(2 to the power of 2n)