Gena Playing Hanoi


    Python 3, based on solution from @chuntao_liu_0118 in these comments. Splits up the logic a bit into a few functions with the intention to be slightly more readable. Also should work for arbitrarily many posts.

    def hanoi_posts_to_int(nstacks, posts):
        ndisks = len(posts)
        base = 2**ndisks
        res = 0
        for j, post in enumerate(posts):
            res += (2**j)*(base**(nstacks-post))
        return res
    def hanoi_neighbours(state, nstacks, ndisks):
        base = 2**ndisks
        nums = [(state // (base**j)) % base for j in range(nstacks-1, -1, -1)]
        top_nums = [2**ndisks if num == 0 else (num&~(num-1)) for num in nums]
        for j, tnj in enumerate(top_nums):
            for k, tnk in enumerate(top_nums):
                if (j == k) or (tnj >= tnk): continue
                neighbour = state - ((tnj)*(base**((nstacks-1)-j))) + ((tnj)*(base**((nstacks-1)-k)))
                yield neighbour
    def hanoi_general(nstacks, posts):
        ndisks = len(posts)
        source = hanoi_posts_to_int(nstacks, posts)
        base = 2**ndisks
        target = ((2**ndisks)-1)*(base**(nstacks-1))
        to_explore = [source]
        explored = set([source])
        parent = {}
        while to_explore:
            to_explore_next = []
            for v in to_explore:
                for w in hanoi_neighbours(v, nstacks, ndisks):
                    if w in explored: continue
                    parent[w] = v
                    if w == target: break
            to_explore = to_explore_next
        curr = target
        moves = 0
        while curr in parent:
            moves += 1
            curr = parent[curr]
        return moves
    def hanoi(posts):
        return hanoi_general(4, posts)