Divisible Sum Pairs


    O(n) in Golang

    func divisibleSumPairs(_ int32, k int32, ar []int32) int32 {
    	// Write your code here
    	// A map that stores the remainder of each value
    	remainderMap := make(map[int32]int32)
    	// The number of found solution
    	count := int32(0)
    	for _, value := range ar {
    		remainder := value % k
    		   A complement remainder is a number whose initial number y
    		   when added to a value x returns a multiple of k
    		complementRemainder := (k - remainder) % k
    		// A value whose remainder is the complement remainder
    		remValue, exists := remainderMap[complementRemainder]
    		//We add the number of values that align to the condition
    		if exists {
    			count += remValue
    		//Check if there's duplicate remainder
    		//If A dup exists we add the number of duplicates available
    		theDup, existsADuplicate := remainderMap[remainder]
    		if existsADuplicate {
    			remainderMap[remainder] = theDup + 1
    		} else {
    			remainderMap[remainder] = 1
    	return int32(count)