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// Problem Understanding:// Players: Two players take turns, starting with Player 1.// Objective: Start with a number n and on each turn, a player can either:// Halve the number (if it's even).// Subtract 1 from the number (if it's odd).// The game continues until the number becomes 1. The player who makes the number reach 1 wins.// The goal is to determine the winner, assuming both players play optimally.// Steps to Solve:// Input and Output:// Input: A number n.// Output: The winner (either "Richard" or "Louise").// Alternating Moves:// Players alternate turns, starting with Player 1 (often called "Louise").// If the number is even, the optimal move is to halve it.// If the number is odd, the optimal move is to subtract 1 to make it even, so the next player can halve it.// Determining the Winner:// Keep track of the number of moves.// The game ends when n becomes 1. The player who makes the last move is the winner.// Approach:// Game Simulation: Simulate the game with a while loop until n becomes 1.// If n is even, halve it.// If n is odd, subtract 1.// Count the number of moves.// Decide the Winner: The winner depends on the number of moves:// If the number of moves is odd, the first player ("Louise") wins.// If the number of moves is even, the second player ("Richard") wins.#include<stdio.h>intpopcount(unsignedlonglongintn){intcount=0;while(n){n&=(n-1);count++;}returncount;}intmain(){intt;scanf("%d\n",&t);while(t--){unsignedlonglongintn;scanf("%llu\n",&n);printf("%s\n",popcount(n-1)&1?"Louise":"Richard");}return0;}
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