Camel Case 4

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    Hi everyone! Here’s my solution to this exercise. I’m currently having an issue with Test Case 2. When I run the code, it seems to produce the expected result, but it’s still not passing. Does anyone have an idea of what might be going on?

    import re
    import sys
    # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
    def split_word(word):
        word = re.sub(r'\(\)$', r'', word)        
        word = re.sub(r'(?<!^)([A-Z])', r' \1', word)
        word = word.lower()
    def combine_word(word, word_type):
        word = word.strip()
        if word_type == 'M':
            word = word + "()"
        elif word_type == 'C':
            word = word.capitalize()
        word = re.sub(r'\s([a-z])', lambda x:, word)
    def camelCase(action, word_type, word):
        if action == 'S':
        elif action == 'C':
            combine_word(word, word_type)
    input_lines ='\n')
    for line in input_lines:
        action, word_type, word = line.split(';')
        camelCase(action, word_type, word)