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public static List<string> bomberMan(int n, List<string> grid) { if(n == 1) return grid; List<string> stuffedGrid = new List<string>(); List<string> detonationGrid = new List<string>(); string str1 = ""; for(int j = 0; j < grid[0].Length; j++) { str1+="O"; } for(int i = 0; i < grid.Count; i++) { stuffedGrid.Add(str1); } if(n % 2 == 0) return stuffedGrid; else if(n % 4 == 3) { detonationGrid = getBombLocations(stuffedGrid, grid); } else { detonationGrid = getBombLocations(stuffedGrid, getBombLocations(stuffedGrid,grid)); } return detonationGrid; } public static List<string> getBombLocations(List<string> stuffedGrid, List<string> grid) { List<string> detonatingGrid = new List<string>(); detonatingGrid.AddRange(stuffedGrid); char[] temp = new char[grid[0].Length]; for(int i = 0; i < grid.Count; i++) { string str = grid[i]; for(int j = 0; j < str.Length; j++) { if(str[j] == 'O') { temp = detonatingGrid[i].ToCharArray(); temp[j] = '.'; string replaceBomb = new string(temp); detonatingGrid[i] = replaceBomb; if(j != str.Length-1){ temp = detonatingGrid[i].ToCharArray(); temp[j+1] = '.'; string replaceRight = new string(temp); detonatingGrid[i] = replaceRight; } if(i != grid.Count-1){ temp = detonatingGrid[i+1].ToCharArray(); temp[j] = '.'; string replaceDown = new string(temp); detonatingGrid[i+1] = replaceDown; } if(j != 0){ temp = detonatingGrid[i].ToCharArray(); temp[j-1] = '.'; string replaceLeft = new string(temp); detonatingGrid[i] = replaceLeft; } if(i != 0){ temp = detonatingGrid[i-1].ToCharArray(); temp[j] = '.'; string replaceUp = new string(temp); detonatingGrid[i-1] = replaceUp; } } } } return detonatingGrid; }
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The Bomberman Game
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