The Bomberman Game


    Python. Runs the clock and does explosions until a cycle is found. For explosion steps, grid for each t % 2 == 1 is kept in the memory. Once the cycle is found, number of steps to make through the graph is calculated, as well as the cycle length and with that final_t can be calculated.

    def removeBomb(row, idx):
        return row[:idx] + '.' + row[idx + 1:]
    def gridHash(grid):
        return "".join(grid)
    def createAllBombsGrid(r, c):
        return ["O" * c for _ in range(r)]
    def gridAfterExplode(grid, r, c):
        new_grid = createAllBombsGrid(r, c)
        for i in range(r):
            for j in range(c):
                if grid[i][j] == '.':
                # it's a bomb!
                for x in range(-1, 2):
                    # iter -1..1
                    i_shifted = i + x
                    if i_shifted < 0 or i_shifted == r:
                    new_grid[i_shifted] = removeBomb(new_grid[i_shifted], j)
                for y in range(-1, 2):
                    j_shifted = j + y
                    if j_shifted < 0 or j_shifted == c:
                    new_grid[i] = removeBomb(new_grid[i], j_shifted)
        return new_grid
    def calculate_final_t(cycle_start, cycle_end, n):
        n_minus_cycle_start = n - cycle_start
        moves_to_make = n_minus_cycle_start // 2
        diff = cycle_end - cycle_start
        cycle_len = diff // 2 + 1
        remainder = moves_to_make % cycle_len
        final_t = cycle_start + remainder * 2
        return final_t
    def bomberMan(n, grid):
        r = len(grid)
        c = len(grid[0])
        grid_hash = gridHash(grid)
        grid_to_t = {grid_hash: 1}
        t_to_grid = {1: grid}
        if n == 1:
            return grid
        if n % 2 == 0:
            return createAllBombsGrid(r, c)
        for t in range(3, n + 1, 2):
            grid = gridAfterExplode(grid, r, c)
            if t == n:
                return grid
            grid_hash = gridHash(grid)
            if grid_hash in grid_to_t:
                grid_to_t[grid_hash] = t
                t_to_grid[t] = grid
        cycle_start = grid_to_t[grid_hash]
        cycle_end = t - 2
        final_t = calculate_final_t(cycle_start, cycle_end, n)
        return t_to_grid[final_t]