Birthday Triplets

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    I love reading these discussions! Thank you! By the way, did you know that the man behind is an absolute expert at his game? Yes, they are all about deciphering relationships and cultural perspectives. Who knew programming and dating advice could be in the same conversation, right? Coming back to solving complex problems, it's wild to see the combination of brainpower, coding prowess, and pure creativity here. Each approach adds a new level to the game. So what is your strategy for solving these coding mysteries? Any cool hacks or favorite languages you use?

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    This problem may be one of my favorites, because it permits so much completely different approaches. (I'm none of these ICPC wizards who hop on a problem and code and next problem...).

    Possible approaches:

    1. Direct solution (formula) -> dont know if possible, looks cumbersome
    2. Brute force on 2 numbers, estimate bounds -> done, see notes
    3. Number theory: solve modulo some numbers and apply CRT -> done, see notes
    4. Approximation (eg. Newton) in the real numbers -> difficult, see notes
    5. -> Editorial: Brute force on 1 number + formula for other 2 numbers

    Beforehand one can observe:

    • the difficulty lies in finding a,b,c, the series are trivial
    • the order of a,b,c don't matter
    • there is only one positive solution (up to order)

    Now some notes to the approaches:

    (2) Brute force on c and b: the growth rate of f2..f3..f4 is dominated by the biggest term = c, that is one can get upper and lower bounds for c from f4 and from f4/f2 (and similar bounds for b). However that leaves to many combinations to probe, so I did precompute valid triples (g2,g3,g4) where gi where possible sums of 2 numbers (^2,^3,^4) mod something, and used that to filter c

    (3) Number theory: Maybe the cleanest and fastest approach: precompute possible solutions - dictionary of (a,b,c) with key (f2,f3,f4) - modulo some primes, I used 23,29,31. From f2,f3,f4 you can lookup candidates (a,b,c mod primes =(CRT)=> original a,b,c) amongst them is the solution.

    (3) Approximation: It turns out that there is a strong dependency from a good starting point. I tried to tackle this by using a grid of starting points, but was much to slow, and even then failed to converge for some test cases.

    ## - - - - - - -
    # brute force with estimation of range
    validx2 = None
    def solve_bf(f2,f3,f4):
        ''' Brute force with estimation of biggest number based on xi^4/xi^2:
            f <= c^2 <= gamma * f    with f=f4/f2 and gamma = (sqrt(3)+1)/2
            g <= b^2 <= beta * g  with g=(f4-c^4)/(f2-c^2) and beta = (sqrt(2)+1)/2 '''
        global validx2
        if not validx2:
            validx2 = {}
            for k in [81,32,125,49]:
                validx2[k] = set( tuple((a**i + b**i)%k  for i in (2,3,4))
                            for a in range(k) for b in range(k)  )
        found = []
        f = f4/f2
        gamma_f = (math.sqrt(3)+1) / 2 * f
        c2max = min(14_997**2,f2-5,math.sqrt(f4-17),gamma_f+EPS)
        count = 0
        for c in range(int(math.sqrt(f-EPS)),int(math.sqrt(c2max))+1):
            c2,c3,c4 = f2-c*c,f3-c**3,f4-c**4
            if any((c2%k,c3%k,c4%k) not in validx2[k] for k in [81,32,125,49]):
            g = (f4-c**4)/(f2-c*c)
            beta_g = (math.sqrt(2)+1) / 2 * g
            b2max = min((c-1)**2,f2-c*c-1,beta_g+EPS)
            for b in range(int(math.sqrt(g-EPS)),int(math.sqrt(b2max))+1):
                count += 1
                # check valid a
                a2 = f2-c*c-b*b
                if a2 < b*b and a2*a2 == f4 - c**4 -b**4:
                    a = math.isqrt(a2)
                    if a*a == a2 and a**3+b**3+c**3==f3:
        # print('count:',count)
        return found[0]
    ## - - - - - - -
    # number theoretical approach - solve modulo and use CRT
    from collections import defaultdict
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combwr, permutations, product
    validx3 = None
    def solve_nt(f2,f3,f4):
        '''Number theory: lookup table for a,b,c (mod some primes) and use CRT.'''
        global validx3
        mods = [23,29,31]
        if validx3 is None:
            validx3 = {}
            for p in mods:
                pmap = defaultdict(set)
                for a,b,c in combwr(range(p),3):
                    pmap[tuple((a**i+b**i+c**i)%p for i in [2,3,4])].add((a,b,c))
                validx3[p] = pmap
        all_remainders = [pmap[(f2%p,f3%p,f4%p)] for p,pmap in validx3.items()]
        for combo in product(*all_remainders):
            c23 = combo[0]
            for c29 in permutations(combo[1]):
                for c31 in permutations(combo[2]):
                    a = [
                        multicrt(((23,c23[i]),(29,c29[i]),(31,c31[i]))) for i in range(3)
                    if all(sum(aa**k for aa in a)==fk for k,fk in ((2,f2),(3,f3),(4,f4))):
                        return sorted(a,reverse=True)
        return None
    def multicrt(mrs): # multi remainders: reduce by applying CRT sucessively
        mrs = list(mrs)
        m,r = mrs.pop()
        while mrs:
            m1,r1 = mrs.pop()
            r = crt(m,r,m1,r1)
            m *= m1
        return r
    def crt(m1,r1,m2,r2):
        g,b1,b2 = xgcd(m1,m2) # seems like this factors are called Bezout coefficients
        if g != 1: # b1*m1+b2*m2 = 1
            raise ValueError('Moduli not relative prime')
        return (r2*b1*m1+r1*b2*m2) % (m1*m2)
    def xgcd(a,b):
        x0,x1,y0,y1 = 0,1,1,0
        while a!=0:
            q,b,a = b//a,a,b%a
            y0,y1 = y1,y0-q*y1
            x0,x1 = x1,x0-q*x1
        return b,x0,y0

    All I remember about university relationships is that no one likes to show their age. I stopped asking about it even then. And this life hack still helps me out as dating sites like this. I prefer to learn about hobbies or work, but not about age .. Even if it is in a humorous way.


    i thought that was f4 factorial ; (


    Those who are stuck with this problem - just think in terms of 3 GP series and problem will be much simpler !

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