Snakes and Ladders: The Quickest Way Up


    I noticed HackerRank is passing on all cases for a code that is incorrect.

    To solve this problem, I implemented the following code:

    class SnakesAndLadders:
        def __init__(self, ladders, snakes):
            self.ladders = {a: b for a, b in ladders}
            self.snakes = {a: b for a, b in snakes}
            self.adj = self._construct_graph()
        def _construct_graph(self):
            adj = {x: [] for x in range(101)}
            for node in range(1,101):
                if node in self.ladders:
                    adj[node].append((0, self.ladders[node]))
                elif node in self.snakes:
                    adj[node].append((0, self.snakes[node]))
                    for dice in range(1,7):
                        if node+dice <= 100:
                            adj[node].append((1, node+dice))
            return adj
        def quickest_way(self):
            visited = set()
            queue = [(0, 1)]
            while len(queue) > 0:
                rolls, node = queue.pop(0)
                if node == 100:
                    return rolls
                if node in visited:
                for w, adj in self.adj[node]:
                    if adj not in visited:
                        queue.append((rolls+w, adj))
            return -1

    But it resulted in a wrong answer for the following input:

    7 12
    24 29
    41 46
    58 63
    75 80

    You can notice I have a set of visited nodes, and that I will process each node of the graph only once. Also, I'm processing the nodes in the order they are being added to the queue.

    When processing node 1, I will add to the queue nodes from 2 to 7 with one roll. When processing node 6, I will add node 12 in the queue with two rolls. But I can arrive in node 12 with only one roll, by falling on node 7 after the first roll and use the ladder. Since node 12 was first added to the queue with 2 rolls, I will process it using two rolls, and will not process it again with 1 roll (I have a continue on the code).

    For the input I provided, it will result in an answer of 18. And HackerRank is accepting the solution.

    But I can arrive on node 100 with only 13 rolls. The following method is correct and generates the answer of 13.

    def quickest_way(self):
            shortest_dist = {}
            queue = [(0, 1)]
            shortest_dist[1] = 0
            while len(queue) > 0:
                rolls, node = queue.pop(0)
                for w, adj in self.adj[node]:
                    if rolls+w < shortest_dist.get(adj, 1e12):
                        queue.append((rolls+w, adj))
                        shortest_dist[adj] = rolls+w
            return shortest_dist.get(100, -1)