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I noticed X was capped to 1000 and I'd never need to try any number >sqrt(1000), which happens to be just under 32.
So, what I did was precompute the Nth powers for [1..32], store my current set as a bitmap in a u32. and then add when the bit was on. I just iterated until the first power of 2 (which means it's a single element set) for which the sum (the actual Nth power, in this case) was > X, since that means it's the Nth root of X and thus no point trying anything else.
I'm somewhat proud of how dumb my solution was. No recursion, no algorithms concepts (although that's what I'm here to train :'( ).
fnpowers(N:i32)->[i32;32]{letmutP=[0i32;32];P[0]=1;for(i,j)in(1..32usize).zip(2..33i32){P[i]=j.pow(Nasu32);}P}fnpowerSumS(S:u32,P:&[i32])->i32{letmutacc=0;forbitin0..32{acc+=P[bit]*(S&(1<<bit)!=0)asi32;}acc}fnpowerSum(X:i32,N:i32)->i32{letmutcurrent_set=2u32;letmutcount=0;letP=powers(N);loop{letsum=powerSumS(current_set,&P);count+=(sum==X)asi32;// We never need to explore further from sqrt(X)ifcurrent_set.is_power_of_two()&&sum>X{break;}current_set+=1;}count}
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The Power Sum
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I noticed X was capped to 1000 and I'd never need to try any number >sqrt(1000), which happens to be just under 32. So, what I did was precompute the Nth powers for [1..32], store my current set as a bitmap in a
. and then add when the bit was on. I just iterated until the first power of 2 (which means it's a single element set) for which the sum (the actual Nth power, in this case) was > X, since that means it's the Nth root of X and thus no point trying anything else. I'm somewhat proud of how dumb my solution was. No recursion, no algorithms concepts (although that's what I'm here to train :'( ).