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select concat(name,'(',substring(occupation,1,1),')') from OCCUPATIONS order by name;
select concat('There are a total of ',count(occupation),' ',lower(occupation),'s.') from OCCUPATIONS group by occupation order by count(occupation),occupation;
Select Concat(name,'(',left(Occupation,1),')') From Occupations Order by Name Asc; Select Concat('There are a total of ',Count(Occupation),' ',Lower(Occupation),'s.') From Occupations Group by Occupation Order by Count(Occupation); This worked great
Please correct the answer. select concat(name,'('||x||')') from( select name,substring(occupation,1,1) x from occupations);
select 'There are a total of', ab, o from( select count(occupation) over(partition by occupation) ab,lower(occupation)||'s' o from occupations) order by ab ;
SELECT CONCAT(name, '(', LEFT(occupation, 1), ')') FROM Occupations ORDER BY name;
SELECT CONCAT('There are a total of ', COUNT(Occupation), ' ', LOWER(occupation), 's.') FROM Occupations GROUP BY Occupation ORDER BY COUNT(Occupation), LOWER(occupation);
I submitted the code below and the output is perfect but still it givers error.
SELECT CONCAT(Name, '(', SUBSTRING(Occupation, 1, 1), ')') AS Result FROM OCCUPATIONS
SELECT CONCAT('There are a total of ', COUNT(Occupation), ' ', Occupation, 's.') AS Result FROM OCCUPATIONS GROUP BY Occupation ORDER BY Result;