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defminion_game(string):# Define the vowels. This will be used to check if a character is a vowel.vowels="AEIOU"# Initialize scores for Kevin and Stuart.kevin_score=0stuart_score=0# We loop through each character of the string.# Each character starts new set of substrings.# Here's why:# We start at "B" in "BANANA", with 6 possible substrings:# 1. "BANANA"# 2. "BANAN"# 3. "BANA"# 4. "BAN"# 5. "BA"# 6. "B"# Next is "A" in "BANANA", with 5 possible substrings:# 1. "ANANA"# 2. "ANAN"# 3. "ANA# 4. "AN"# 5. "A"# Luckily, the number of substrings = current substring length# Example: "BANANA" = 6 characters and "ANANA" = 5 characters.# Therefore, the current character count = points to add to the running score.foriinrange(len(string)):# Is current character a vowel (the beginning character of the current substring).ifstring[i]invowels:# Increment Kevin's score by adding the substring length to the score.kevin_score+=len(string)-ielse:# Increment Stuart's score by adding the substring length to the score.stuart_score+=len(string)-i# Determine the winner by comparing the scores.ifkevin_score>stuart_score:# If Kevin has a higher score, print Kevin's score.print(f"Kevin {kevin_score}")elifstuart_score>kevin_score:# If Stuart has a higher score, print Stuart's score.print(f"Stuart {stuart_score}")else:# If scores are equal, print Draw.print("Draw")
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The Minion Game
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