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889 Discussions



    C++ Solution

    string gridSearch(vector<string> G, vector<string> P) {
      bool found = false;
      for(int i = 0; i < G.size(); i++) {
        int ind = G[i].find(P[0]);
        while(ind != string::npos) {
          found = true;
          for(int j = 1; j < P.size(); j++){
            if(i+j >= G.size() || G[i+j].find(P[j], ind) != ind) {
              found = false;
            return "YES";
          ind = G[i].find(P[0], ind+1);
      return "NO";

    Please, could anybody explain me why test case 6 having the data

    4 4
    2 2

    Expecting Output == NO ?

    The first line has number 12 a the second line has number 21.



    func findMultipleIndexes(str, substr string) []int {
        var indices []int
        start := 0
        for {
            index := strings.Index(str[start:], substr)
            if index == -1 {
            indices = append(indices, start+index)
            start += index + 1
        return indices
    func Contains(M []int, Item int) bool{
        for _,v  := range M {
            if v == Item {
                return true
        return false
    func gridSearch(G []string, P []string) string {
        // Write your code here
        const NO = "NO"
        const YES = "YES"
        if len(P) == 0 {
            return "NO"
        row := -1
        // find the first line of patter match
        for i, v := range G {
            cols := findMultipleIndexes(v, P[0])
            for _, col := range cols {
                row = i
                // if next not lines available at the Group
                if row == -1 || col == -1 || len(G) < row+len(P) {
                    // return NO
                found := true
                // now check for next lines
                for j := row + 1; j < row+len(P); j++ {
                    i := j - row
                    ncols := findMultipleIndexes(G[j], P[i])
                    if !Contains(ncols, col) {
                        found = false
                if found {
                    return YES
        return NO

    Haskell solution using Data.Matrix, passes all tests

    import qualified Data.Matrix as M
    import Data.Char (digitToInt)
    nOfCompairason pattern mat = (r !! ((M.nrows pattern) - 1),c !! ((M.ncols pattern) - 1))
      where r = reverse [1..(M.nrows mat)]
            c = reverse [1..(M.ncols mat)]
    -- this is nothing like a cross correlation but you get the idea
    -- submatrix is O(1)
    crossCorrelation :: (Eq a) => M.Matrix a -> M.Matrix a -> Bool
    crossCorrelation mat ptrn = or $ map (\ (a,aa,b,bb) -> ptrn == M.submatrix a aa b bb mat) compair
      where (cr,cc) = nOfCompairason ptrn mat
            pr = M.nrows ptrn - 1
            pc = M.ncols ptrn - 1
            compair = [(a,a+pr,b,b+pc) | a <- [], b <- []]
    yesNo bool | bool      = "YES"
               | otherwise = "NO"
    -- typechecking seems to fail with a fold so i had to make this function
    strToIntList :: String -> [Int]
    strToIntList []     = []
    strToIntList (x:xs) = (digitToInt x) : (strToIntList xs)
    -- there's probably a cuter way to write I/O but that's not the important thing here
    action = do
      rc <- getLine
      mat <- sequence $ replicate (read $ head $ words rc) getLine
      prc <- getLine
      ptr <- sequence $ replicate (read $ head $ words prc) getLine
      let matrix = M.fromLists $ map strToIntList mat
          patter = M.fromLists $ map strToIntList ptr
          res = yesNo $ crossCorrelation matrix patter
      putStrLn res
    main = do
      times <-getLine
      sequence $ replicate (read times) action

    Java solution

     public static boolean checkPattern(List<String> G, List<String> P, int start_i, int start_j){
            int R = G.size();
            int C = G.get(0).length();
            int r = P.size();
            int c = P.get(0).length();
            int end_i = start_i + (r-1);
            int end_j = start_j + (c-1);
            if(end_i >= R || end_j >= C)
              return false;
            for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
              for(int j = 0; j < c; j++){
                char pattern_num = P.get(i).charAt(j);  
                char grid_num = G.get(i + start_i).charAt(j + start_j);
                if(grid_num != pattern_num) return false;
            return true;
        public static String gridSearch(List<String> G, List<String> P) {
            int R = G.size();
            int C = G.get(0).length();
            char first_pattern_num = P.get(0).charAt(0);
            for(int i = 0; i < R; i++)
              for(int j = 0; j < C; j++){
                char grid_num = G.get(i).charAt(j);
                if(grid_num == first_pattern_num && checkPattern(G,P,i,j) )
                  return "YES";
            return "NO";