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select cmp.company_code, cmp.founder,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LM.lead_manager_code) FROM Lead_Manager LM WHERE LM.company_code = cmp.company_code) as lead,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SM.senior_manager_code) FROM Senior_Manager SM INNER JOIN Lead_Manager LM ON LM.lead_manager_code = SM.lead_manager_code WHERE LM.company_code = cmp.company_code) as senior_manager,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT M.manager_code) FROM Manager M INNER JOIN Senior_Manager SM ON SM.senior_manager_code = M.senior_manager_code INNER JOIN Lead_Manager LM ON LM.lead_manager_code = SM.lead_manager_code WHERE LM.company_code = cmp.company_code) as manager,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT E.employee_code) FROM Employee E INNER JOIN Manager M ON M.manager_code = E.manager_code INNER JOIN Senior_Manager SM ON SM.senior_manager_code = M.senior_manager_code INNER JOIN Lead_Manager LM ON LM.lead_manager_code = SM.lead_manager_code WHERE LM.company_code = cmp.company_code) as employee
FROM Company as cmp GROUP By cmp.company_code, cmp.founder
What is wrong with this answer?
SELECT c.company_code, c.founder, COUNT(DISTINCT e.lead_manager_code) AS lead_manager_count, COUNT(DISTINCT e.senior_manager_code) AS senior_manager_count, COUNT(DISTINCT e.manager_code) AS manager_count, COUNT(DISTINCT e.employee_code) AS employee_count FROM Employee e JOIN Company c ON e.company_code = c.company_code GROUP BY c.company_code, c.founder ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(c.company_code, 2) AS UNSIGNED) ASC;
select c.company_code, c.founder,
count(distinct l.lead_manager_code),
count(distinct s.senior_manager_code),
count(distinct e.manager_code),
count(distinct e.employee_code) from Company as c
join lead_Manager as l on c.company_code = l.company_code
join senior_Manager as s on l.company_code = s.company_code join employee as e on s.company_code = e.company_code
GROUP BY c.company_code, c.founder;
We dont need to join all the tables. Since all the data is present on employees table. we only need to join the company table
SELECT C.company_code, C.founder, COUNT(DISTINCT LM.lead_manager_code) AS
Total Lead Manager
, COUNT(DISTINCT SM.senior_manager_code) ASTotal Senior Manager
, COUNT(DISTINCT M.manager_code) ASTotal Manager
, COUNT(DISTINCT E.employee_code) ASTotal Employee
FROM Company C LEFT JOIN Lead_Manager LM ON LM.company_code = C.company_code LEFT JOIN Senior_Manager SM ON SM.company_code = C.company_code LEFT JOIN Manager M ON M.company_code = C.company_code LEFT JOIN Employee E ON E.company_code = C.company_code GROUP BY C.company_code, C.founder ORDER BY C.company_code ASC;