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I think it should return a string, for example, my_string = ''.join(my_list). This line of code means to concatenate all the elements in a list called my_list into a single string, and store the result in the my_string variable.
def wrap(string, max_width): return textwrap.fill(string,max_width)
this is enought for all the test cases
without textwrap:- def wrap(string, max_width):
if name == 'main':
can you explain the return statemen of your code?
I think it should return a string, for example, my_string = ''.join(my_list). This line of code means to concatenate all the elements in a list called my_list into a single string, and store the result in the my_string variable.
It's joining the charcters with a '\n' or enter after wrapping the string and returns the joined characters.