Text Alignment

    #Replace all ______ with rjust, ljust or center. 
    thickness = int(input()) #This must be an odd number
    c = 'H'
    # Top Cone
    for i in range(thickness):
        print((c * i).rjust(thickness - 1) + c + (c * i).ljust(thickness - 1))
    # Top Pillars
    for i in range(thickness + 1):
        print((c * thickness).center(thickness * 2) + (c * thickness).center(thickness * 6))
    # Middle Belt
    for i in range((thickness + 1) // 2):
        print((c * thickness * 5).center(thickness * 6))
    # Bottom Pillars
    for i in range(thickness + 1):
        print((c * thickness).center(thickness * 2) + (c * thickness).center(thickness * 6))
    # Bottom Cone
    for i in range(thickness):
        print(((c * (thickness - i - 1)).rjust(thickness) + c + (c * (thickness - i - 1)).ljust(thickness)).rjust(
            thickness * 6))