There are 4 things that need to happen: 1. Build the tree (from the indexes 2D array), using a variation from BFS/level-order traversal (for loop) 2. Loop through the queries (k) to do the following: 2.1. Swap the nodes at the appropriate level 2.2. Traverse in-order in order to push the values into an array to be returned.

    The optimization is that steps 2.1 and 2.2 can be accomplished in a single iteration, resulting in O(n).


    class Node {
        constructor(val) {
            this.val = val;
            this.levelNum = null;
            this.left = null;
            this.right = null;
     * Swap nodes in a binary tree at the levels listed in the queries array.
     * @param {Array<Array<Number>>} indexes
     * @param {Array<Number>} queries
     * @returns {Array<Array<Number>>}
    function swapNodes(indexes, queries) {
        if (!indexes?.length || !queries?.length) {
            return [];
        } else if (indexes.length === 1) {
            return indexes;
        // Construct binary tree from indexes (which is a 2-dimensional array)
        const root = new Node(1);
        root.levelNum = 1;
        const buildQueue = [root];
        for (const [leftVal, rightVal] of indexes) {
            const node = buildQueue.shift();
            if (leftVal !== -1) {
                node.left = new Node(leftVal);
            if (rightVal !== -1) {
                node.right = new Node(rightVal);
        // `factor` is `k` from the instructions
        const allResults = [];
        for (const factor of queries) {
            const result = [];
            traverseInOrderAndSwap(root, factor, result);
        return allResults;
     * Traverse in-order (DFS) and swap the nodes at the appropriate levels.
     * @param {Node} node
     * @param {Number} factor
     * @param {Array<Number>} result
    function traverseInOrderAndSwap(node, factor, result) {
        const isSwapLevel = node?.levelNum % factor === 0;
        if (isSwapLevel) {
            const holder = node.left;
            node.left = node.right;
            node.right = holder;
        if (node.left) {
            node.left.levelNum = node.levelNum + 1;
            traverseInOrderAndSwap(node.left, factor, result);
        if (node.val) result.push(node.val);
        if (node.right) {
            node.right.levelNum = node.levelNum + 1;
            traverseInOrderAndSwap(node.right, factor, result);