A Clojure solution that handles all test cases.

    PERFORMANCE HINT: It pays to look at the "environment" link at the bottom of the page! My code was a bit too slow to handle case 4 (14), and it seems one bottleneck in union-ing sets. The test environment includes a library called int-map which is significantly faster and solved the problem.

    (ns superqueens
        (:require [clojure.data.int-map :as i]))
    (def N (Integer/parseInt (read-line)))
    ; (def N 14)
    (defn between [v1 v2 v]
        (and (<= v1 v) (<= v v2)))
    (defn between-xy [v1x v1y v2x v2y px py]
        (and (between v1x v2x px) (between v1y v2y py)))
    (defn blocked [qx qy x y]
            (= x qx)
            (= (- x qx) (- y qy))
            (= (- x qx) (- qy y))
            (between-xy (- qx 2)(- qy 2) (+ qx 2)(+ qy 2) x y)))
    (def BLOCKERS
        (vec (for [qy (range N) qx (range N)]
            (i/int-set (for [y (range N) x (range N) :when (blocked qx qy x y)]
                   (+ x (* N y)))))))
    (defn place [row board]
      (if (< row N)
       (let [pmin (* N row)]
         (reduce + (for [p (range pmin (+ N pmin))
                         :when (nil? (board p))]
                        (inc row)
                        (i/union board (BLOCKERS p))))))
    (let [t0 (System/currentTimeMillis)]
      (println (place 0 (i/int-set)))
      (format "Time: %d" (- (System/currentTimeMillis) t0)))