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Structuring the Document
Structuring the Document
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not the prettiest code i've ever written
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { free(*(arr + i)); } free(arr); }
char ** split(char * s, const char delim, int * count) { char ** split_s = NULL; char * part = NULL; unsigned int idx_split_s = 0; unsigned int idx_part = 0;
char c = '\0'; for (unsigned int i = 0; *(s + i) != '\0'; i++) { c = *(s + i);
// append last part to split_s if (idx_part != 0) { // mark the end of part string part = realloc(part, sizeof(char) * (idx_part + 1)); *(part + idx_part) = '\0';
*count = idx_split_s;
return split_s; }
struct document get_document(char* text) { int * paragraph_count = calloc(1, sizeof(int)); int * sentence_count = calloc(1, sizeof(int)); int * word_count = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
// split into paragraphs and store temporarily char ** paragraphs_temp = split(text, '\n', paragraph_count);
struct document document; document.paragraph_count = *paragraph_count; // allocate space for paragraphs in document document.data = malloc(*paragraph_count * sizeof(struct paragraph));
char * s = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < *paragraph_count; i++) { s = *(paragraphs_temp + i); // get current paragraph
} // end of paragraph_count loop
free_ptr_ptr(paragraphs_temp, *paragraph_count);
free(word_count); free(sentence_count); free(paragraph_count);
return document; }
struct word kth_word_in_mth_sentence_of_nth_paragraph(struct document Doc, int k, int m, int n) { // return ((((*(Doc.data + --n)).data + --m)).data + --k);
struct sentence kth_sentence_in_mth_paragraph(struct document Doc, int k, int m) { // return (((Doc.data + --m)).data + --k);
struct paragraph kth_paragraph(struct document Doc, int k) { return *(Doc.data + --k); }